October 3, 2018 | Mark Andy Inc.

New Eco-Friendly Mark Andy Modular Dryers to Lower Overhead Costs

Modular and energy efficient, Mark Andy’s latest recirculation drying technology is the perfect solution for both precision- and cost-driven converters alike.

Let’s break it down. All the components are sized for one station, so cost to entry is low, creating modularity and making the dryers a great retrofit opportunity. Modularity also allows each print station to be optimized for drying, giving the converter ultimate control.

recirculation dryer still image rendering

Recirculation comes into play with lower overhead costs, as well as being a more eco-friendly solution. These dryers require 50% less energy capital to operate. They also require less make-up air and less conditioned, heated air is exhausted from the building.

Moving forward, Performance Series E presses will have the option to be equipped with the modular recirculation dryers. This system utilizes a high pressure blower located on each print station with recirculation capabilities. With recirculation, the blower brings in air from the building, pressurizes it in the duct and forces it across the heater coil into the tunnel. That pressurized air is forced through the nozzles creating high velocity hot air for drying.

Instead of using an exhaust blower to suck all of the air out of the building, a portion of the air is redirected back to the input of the blower. This reduces the amount of new air being pulled from the building. The mixed air is warmer than the building, so less energy is needed from the heater coil to heat the mixed air, which results in up to 50% less power consumption.

This new drying technology creates the perfect solution to cut down on power consumption, as well as provide converters with a cost-effective solution to meet their pressroom needs.

About the Author

Amanda Flower is a Marketing Specialist at Mark Andy’s global headquarters located in St. Louis, Missouri. She is an experienced B2B content creator with a penchant for marketing automation, brand management and thinking outside of the box.