May 27, 2021 | Mark Andy Inc.

Sustainability in Flexo: Introducing Mark Andy ProUV

Mark Andy ProUV is a proven UV curing solution designed to bring users high-quality, reliable results that can be counted on.

ProUV is a fully-integrated curing system with power and air located on-press within a single cabinet, helping converters maintain a smaller pressroom footprint. In addition to its ergonomic feature, ProUV provides high efficiency (up to 94%) power supplies, which can be expected to yield significant energy savings. 

Environment Considerations

Fully adaptive ventilation control keeps the UV lamps at the optimal temperature in every environment, allowing a greater temperature variance for converters that translates to lower energy costs. It’s known that an over-cooled lamp will be less effective, and an overheated lamp will decrease efficiency and lamp life expectancy. 

Temperature Control

ProUV monitors the lamp plasma to keep it at its optimal temperature. No matter where a customer is located, the desert or tundra, the system will self-adapt. For example, with ambient air at 50 degrees Fahrenheit, ProUV dampers will close to keep lamp temperature stable and the blower will slow down. With ambient air at 86 degrees Fahrenheit, the dampers will open and the blower will increase its speed. All this is done automatically, with no human intervention needed.


This solution also offers a filtered lamp head for added lamp durability. This ensures that as the environmental factors are being pulled inside the lamp with the air, particles that can cause hot spots and cracks are being filtered out. This filter is a unique feature of ProUV and increases the lifespan of the lamps.

If your printshop is evaluating its energy consumption and carbon footprint, seeking ways to lower costs or just looking to be a little more thoughtful where the environment is concerned, Mark Andy’s ProUV curing system is a great solution to evaluate when considering a new press purchase or an update to your existing flexo or digital hybrid label printing solution.

Evolution Series E3

ProUV is currently available as a standard option on Mark Andy’s Evolution Series E3 flexo press. Evolution Series E3 is a simple-to-operate platform powered by proven Mark Andy Performance Series engineering and technology, providing converters the technology needed to thrive in the competitive label market. E3 with ProUV curing solution is available worldwide.